Do you need a managed IT service provider?

When it comes to IT, companies can be at the mercy of a wide range of operational challenges: connectivity, hardware, software… people! These are just a few. The big debate for companies like yours is around how to manage the IT infrastructure. Should you have an inhouse IT team?…

Managed IT Service Provider

Do you call in an IT professional just as and when you need them? Or should you opt for the services of a managed IT provider? Rather than offering ad-hoc IT maintenance, software and hardware, managed IT service providers deliver ongoing support as a package for an agreed monthly fee which is based on your IT setup.

There’s much to consider when deciding how your IT should be managed. While it’s usually only large companies that can accommodate the cost of an inhouse IT team, a company’s size does not determine whether a company will benefit from managed IT services.

It’s whether the IT infrastructure, and the people in your business, require ongoing IT support that should drive the decision about whether it’s time for your company to use the services of a managed IT provider.

Signs that your company is ready to work with a managed IT provider

E2E is a managed IT provider based in the North West. We advocate that effectively managing your IT enhances performance, productivity and essentially improves your bottom line. A well-oiled IT machine at the heart of your business allows for scalability and avoids costly mistakes.

Here we’ve put together a list of signals to look out for that will indicate when you’re ready to partner with a managed IT team.

Your team is increasingly working remotely

Having a remote team may work well in terms of logistics and work patterns but when it comes to IT you need to have continued support to ensure that all personnel are fully equipped with the best software, hardware and connectivity. This improves productivity and makes the operation run smoothly.

You have concerns about cyber security

Your company is at risk of cyber-attack if you don’t have sufficient cyber security in place. With increased remote working, companies are now more vulnerable than ever before. Under a managed IT agreement your security software is continually updated and monitored to combat ever-changing cyber threats.

Unpredictable IT costs are impacting cashflow and budgets

Particularly if your business is growing, IT expenditure that varies considerably from month to month can spiral out of control, which has a significant impact on your projected costs and bottom line. A managed IT provider will charge you a set amount each month. Having access to your systems, they will also be able to manage installations and maintenance more quickly and remotely rather than having to visit your site. This keeps your monthly cost down.

Downtime is becoming more frequent and affecting productivity

If you are experiencing an increase in downtime, it’s an indication that your current IT infrastructure is not keeping up with the needs of your business. This not only affects your profits but also your credibility with customers and stakeholders. A managed IT provider will restructure your IT setup, continually monitor its performance, and implement necessary changes and updates to ensure that you operate efficiently.

It’s time to scale up

Managing the rapid growth of an organisation can be difficult with restrictive IT systems. Calling upon the ad-hoc services of an IT company to help you upscale the business will prove to be costly, even if a project fee is agreed upon. Your managed service provider will understand your business inside out and be able to help you scale your IT cost-effectively and quickly. This includes onboarding new staff and developing software to manage increasing demand and necessary changes to how the business is run.

Are you looking to partner with a managed IT provider?

If you are seeing similar changes in your business to those above, you are ready to benefit from the services of a managed IT provider. For more information on the managed IT services provided by E2E and how we can work together, please get in touch.

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