IT cloud hosting for agile teams

Cloud hosting helps businesses to be more responsive, secure, and adaptable. But what exactly is this cloud wizardry that we’re all expected to understand? And how does it facilitate agile teams?…

Cloud hosting for agile teams

In fact, what is an agile team?

There are so many buzzwords and phrases out there that it can become overwhelming to know what you’re supposed to know and why you’re supposed to know it!

Still with us? Excellent! Because we’re going to explain what cloud hosting is, why it’s good for your business and how it supports and drives agile teams. While we’re at it, we’ll reveal how E2E Technologies can help you move to the cloud.

What is cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting uses a network of connected virtual and physical cloud servers rather than an on-site server, which is the alternative, traditional hosting scenario. The cloud servers store all your files, emails, and data on remote, secure servers. You access those files and company information via the internet.

As an example, Microsoft Azure is a cloud hosting service that allows you to access cloud resources such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft OneDrive.

Ultimately, cloud hosting allows your teams to work remotely, collaboratively, and responsively which boosts productivity.

What is an agile team?

A definition of ‘agile’ is to be able to move quickly and easily.

An agile team is one that responds swiftly to a problem or project to find solutions and strategies that improve a situation or modify existing processes to be more efficient. The agile team delivers value to its customers quickly and without obstacles. To do this, the team needs a suitable platform to communicate effectively, and be able to access information and work quickly from anywhere in the world.

Cloud services enable and support agile teams which instigates the profitable holy grail that is ‘business agility’.

Why move your business to cloud hosting

E2E Technologies have an in-house team of cloud specialists. We move businesses to cloud hosting to help create agile teams who benefit from improved communication and collaboration opportunities. The result is increased productivity and happier personnel who can share files or work on a shared document at the same time from different locations, anywhere in the world.

But it’s not just your teams and productivity that benefit from cloud hosting.

  • Cloud hosting is more cost-efficient than investing in traditional, on-site servers. There are no up-front costs. Instead, the company pays a monthly subscription which is a manageable, fixed cost, which makes it easier to budget for the management of data, files and emails.
  • Cloud services offer enhanced security when it comes to the storage of data. Rather than the worry of theft or fire when data is stored in a single location, cloud storage gives you the peace of mind that your crucial data and files are safely stored away from such hazards.
  • Cloud services allow your business to be more easily scalable. A single server has a limit when it comes to data storage capacity and power, whereas cloud storage can be upscaled instantly.

Does your business need to move to cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting is ideal for businesses of all sizes because it offers flexibility and a level of responsiveness that aren’t provided by a legacy, on-site server.

How you answer these questions will tell you if you should consider moving to cloud hosting:

  • Would your business benefit from instant access to files and documents? If your answer is yes, cloud hosting is the ideal solution.
  • Are you concerned about the security of your data, emails, and files? If security worries you, and we believe it should, cloud hosting delivers peace of mind.
  • Can you afford to invest in an on-site server? If the answer is no, cloud hosting is the perfect affordable alternative.
  • Do you want to spend money on updating and maintaining an existing on-site server? Rather than investing in an old, outdated system, your modest investment in cloud services will deliver a far better return.
  • Can you afford to hire IT staff to run an on-site server? IT teams are expensive to employ. A cloud services provider like E2E Technologies can manage your data for you at a fraction of the cost.
  • Do you want agile teams who are productive, responsive, and able to deliver an exceptional customer experience? Of course you do!

Speak to E2E Technologies about moving to cloud services

To develop agile teams, robust data storage and enhanced productivity, speak to E2E Technologies about moving your business to the cloud, or to find out how any of our managed IT support services can improve the operation of your business.

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