Local IT provider vs national IT provider: which is best?

Your IT infrastructure is the backbone of your business. When it comes to managing growth, at E2E we advocate keeping your customers close and your managed IT support provider even closer….

Why use a local IT supplier?

Working with a local IT provider rather than a national company can prove to be a very smart move for your business. Here’s why…

A local IT provider can react quickly with on-site support

While our IT infrastructures are now heavily dependent on cloud-based software, on-site managed IT support is still a crucial necessity and should never be underestimated. Hardware, routing and cabling, and maintaining a server room are just some of the elements of IT support managed on site.

In the event of an IT problem, getting back to being fully operational is your priority. Every minute of downtime while waiting for an engineer to get to you is costing your business productivity which results in financial losses and unhappy customers. A local IT provider is able to be more responsive than a company based many miles away and can be at your office very quickly.

E2E almost always has engineers at sites or on the road throughout the Wirral, Chester and the Liverpool City Region. This enables us to be highly responsive to our local clients when needed on site.

A local IT provider delivers a personalised service

It is easier to build a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with a local IT provider.

Being located so close to your business builds familiarity. When speaking on the phone or on email, you are more likely to get to know an IT provider who has shared local references than someone who is located far away. A local IT provider is also more likely to regularly attend the site or have in-person catch-up meetings which help to build the relationship between the two businesses.

This familiarity enhances the customer experience and enables a more bespoke service based on the needs of the business, rather than generic IT support.

A local IT provider can carry out on-site training sessions

Whether it’s to introduce new software to teams, demonstrate software to management or train a new member of staff, your local IT provider can easily be present to conduct training sessions without having to charge for a full day away from the office.

While training is now possible online, that interpersonal experience of being in the room with a training provider is far more beneficial. It is easier for a trainee to ask questions, interact with presentations and fully understand what is being discussed.

A local IT provider is a cost-effective choice

It is easier to keep your IT overheads low when working with a local IT provider. Travel time and days away from the office all generate costs for IT companies that can be avoided or dramatically reduced with a local IT provider.

At E2E we try to do as much work as possible remotely, but whenever we do need to attend a local site, we’re able to absorb some of those extra costs. Because we focus on providing a local service, we can keep our overheads low.

A local IT provider supports the local economy

Your local IT provider will know many local businesses, some of which could be good customers for you. They can also recommend local suppliers based on recommendations from other clients. Likewise, you can recommend your local IT provider to other nearby businesses you know.

Building a relationship of trust with a local IT provider is a networking opportunity that is often overlooked! And it’s not just businesses that benefit. Supporting the local economy benefits everyone and simply seems like the right thing to do to create the feel-good factor amongst local people and businesses.

Choose E2E as your local IT provider

If you’d like to benefit from the support of a local IT provider with many years’ experience and extensive local knowledge, get in touch.

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