Why an IT disaster recovery plan is crucial for your business

How quickly could your business recover in the event of a disaster that wiped your data, your back-office information and transactional history?…

Why an IT disaster recovery plan is crucial for your business

With every tick of the clock, you would be losing money. Do you have a Business Continuity Plan, or more specifically an IT Disaster Recovery Plan to avoid crippling losses?

What might cause a business disaster?

There are many physical and digital events that can cause a business disaster. Here are just a few:

  • Security breaches or cyber attacks
  • Fire
  • Power outages
  • Flood
  • Vandalism
  • Sabotage
  • Theft of critical equipment

Why is IT recovery so important for business continuity?

With advances in IT, the parameters of a Business Continuity Plan have changed over the years. A Business Continuity Plan has always been known as a strategy for continuing to sell products and services in the event of a disaster incident. Before digital took hold this would have involved locking valuable documents away in a fire-resistant room and maybe crossing your fingers for everything else. In a digital world, the responsibility for disaster recovery falls firmly on the shoulders of your IT department. If you have one.

Larger businesses may have the capacity for their own IT department but many businesses do not. Even if they did, chances are they will be so busy with the daily operations that they take their eye off the ball when it comes to disaster recovery strategies. You may have heard of the phrase Disaster Recovery as a Service, also known as DRaaS which is a convoluted (dare we say a tad acronym-tastic) name for an off-site service, focused on providing your business with a disaster recovery response.

E2E provides managed IT support to businesses of different sizes and sectors. We include a business continuity and disaster recovery service as part of our Managed IT Support package.

What is a business continuity and disaster recovery service?

A business continuity and disaster recovery service from E2E Technologies begins with a full analysis of your IT infrastructure. Once this has been evaluated, we can put software, hardware and procedures in place to aid a swift recovery in the event of a disaster.

Prevention is obviously better than cure. All organisations are vulnerable to a disaster. At E2E Technologies, one of our priorities in the event of a disaster is to get you back up and running as quickly as possible. Downtime is costly. But we also want to make sure that you can continue to operate even while the disaster occurs. With our business continuity plan in place, you and your customers shouldn’t even notice that a disaster has taken place (unless you’re knee-high in water).

To achieve this robust business continuity plan we use the most appropriate, high-performance hardware and software technology to monitor and proactively protect your business, its data and, very importantly, your customers.

The unfortunate thing is, that no matter how much preparation is done to safeguard your business against a disaster, it is impossible to control all potential threats. If you do find your business is unable to operate due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of any business continuity plan, as part of our managed IT support we work very quickly to implement disaster recovery measures that will get you back up and running. Your clients won’t even know there was an issue and you would only need to tell them about it if there was a data breach (but we have great cybersecurity platforms that can prevent that!).

Choose E2E for your business continuity and IT disaster recovery plan

Contact the team at E2E to discuss your business continuity and IT disaster recovery plan and find out more about our managed IT support services.

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