Cyber Security & Safeguarding

Keeping kids safe online

Keeping your child safe online

The internet is a great place to learn new things, keep in contact with friends and have fun, but it can also be dangerous, especially for children. Keeping your child safe online is easy if you follow some simple tips and look out for any danger signs or red flags….

Staying Safe Online

10 ways to stay safe online

Staying safe online has never been more important. With information so easily accessible, and many people uploading a wealth of their data to social media outlets, careless internet habits could cause you considerable damage….

Password security

The importance of good password security

So, how secure IS your password? Like… really? How easily could it be cracked by a determined (or even a more casual) hacker and what’s the worst that could happen if that were to happen?…

What is ransomware?

What is ransomware, how serious is it and should I be worried?

A successful ransomware attack could easily see your business out of action. But what is ransomware? And what can you do to protect yourself?…